Learning Supporters
Thank you to our Supporters
We gratefully recognize donors who generously support the Los Angeles Philharmonic Association's Learning initiatives.
Leadership support for the LA Phil’s Learning and Community Endowment Fund is provided by the A. Jerrold Perenchio YOLA Endowment Fund, The Peggy Bergmann YOLA Endowment Fund, The Walt Disney Company, Los Angeles Philharmonic Committee, Max H. Gluck Foundation, The Rafael and Luisa de Marchena-Huyke Foundation, Carrie and Stuart Ketchum, George L. Cassat, Lee and Hope Landis Warner YOLA Student Fund, Norma D. Kayser Trust, Nancy and Leslie Abell, Alfred E. Mann Charities, Sue Tsao, Mr. Gregory A. Adams, Mr. Kevin MacCarthy and Ms. Lauren Lexton, Miguel A. Navarro, Y&S Nazarian Family Foundation, Estate of Mary Calfas Janos, and the Ying Cai & Wann S. Lee Foundation.
Capital support for the Judith and Thomas L. Beckmen YOLA Center at Inglewood comes from: Judith and Thomas L. Beckmen, Brad and Louise Edgerton/Edgerton Foundation, Amgen Foundation, The Ahmanson Foundation, Diane and Ron Miller Charitable Fund, The Seth MacFarlane Foundation, The Rose Hills Foundation, Jack Suzar and Linda May, Meyer and Renee Luskin, The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation, Margaret Morgan and Wesley Phoa, Living Legacy Foundation, R. Martin Chavez, Sue Tsao, The Stanley and Joyce Black Family Foundation, Jonathan and Rebecca Congdon, The Rafael and Luisa de Marchena-Huyke Foundation, John and Luanne Hernandez-Storr, Ginny Mancini, Michele and Dudley Rauch, Thomas L. Safran, Dena and Irv Schechter, Lynn and Roger Zino, JL Foundation, Mr. and Mrs. R. Joseph Plascencia, Joanne and Joel Mogy, The David and Linda Shaheen Foundation, Lillian P. Lovelace, Nat Damon and Ricardo Torres, Ginny and John Cushman, Ben and Debra Ansell, Anonymous, Michael and Lori Milken Family Foundation, Bernard Natelson and Lisa Raufman, Maureen and Stanley Moore, Charles and Jo Ann Kaplan, and Jackson Henry in memory of Suzanne Gemmell.
The following list represents gifts received between July 1, 2023-June 30, 2024
Gifts of $250,000 and above
Anonymous (2)
Ballmer Group
Barbara and Scott Bice
The Eisner Foundation
Max H. Gluck Foundation
The Hearthland Foundation
$100,000 to $249,999
Anonymous (2)
John Mohme Foundation
The Music Man Foundation
The Rauch Family Foundation
Rosenthal Family Foundation
$50,000 to $99,999
Amgen Foundation
Aramont Charitable Foundation
De Marchena-Huyke Foundation
The Rafael & Luisa de Marchena-Huyke Foundation
Alexandra Glickman and Gayle Whittemore
Los Angeles County Department of Arts and Culture
Alfred E. Mann Charities
Ms. Irene Mecchi
Pasadena Showcase House for the Arts
James and Laura Rosenwald/Orinoco Foundation
The David and Linda Shaheen Foundation
Barbara and Robert Veir
Margo and Irwin Winkler
$25,000 to $49,999
The Herb Alpert Foundation
Canon Insurance Service
The Walt Disney Company
Dr. Paul and Patti Eisenberg
The Rosalinde and Arthur Gilbert Foundation
The Green Foundation
Harman Family Foundation
Fritz Hoelscher
Robin and Gary Jacobs
Estate of Mary Calfas Janos
City of Los Angeles, Department of Cultural Affairs
The Seth MacFarlane Foundation
Michael and Lori Milken Family Foundation
Deena and Edward Nahmias
Ross Endowment Fund
Bill and Amy Roth
Wendy and Ken Ruby
Charles Urban
Zolla Family Foundation
$10,000 to $24,999
Pamela and Jeffrey Balton
Mr. Joseph A. Bartush
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Becker
Otis Booth Foundation
Ms. Nancy Carson and Mr. Chris Tobin
Ms. Bernice Colman
Susan Colvin
Edison International
Ella Fitzgerald Charitable Foundation
Goodman Family Foundation
Yvonne Lenart Art Education Foundation
Randi Levine
Marvin J. Levy
Los Angeles Philharmonic Committee
Max Factor Family Foundation
Linda May and Jack Suzar
Cathy McMullen
Wendy Stark Morrissey
Kenneth T. & Eileen L. Norris Foundation
Gary Satin
James C. Stewart Charitable Foundation
Contact Us
For further information on any of the Los Angeles Philharmonic's learning programs, please contact us at:
LA Phil Learning Programs
151 South Grand Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90012-3034
Phone: 213 972 8082
Fax: 213 972 7650
Email: learning@laphil.org