- Intermission
About this Performance
When Arnold Schoenberg discovered Richard Dehmel’s philosophical love poems from Weib und Welt (Woman and World), he said, “They were what first made me try to find a new tone in the lyrical mood.” Reading about transformation, contradiction, and the necessity for innovation, Schoenberg threw himself into what would become his first masterpiece—Transfigured Night. It’s a rich, complex, and highly chromatic sextet, with one foot firmly set in post-Romanticism.
With his First String Quartet, Romanticism becomes more abstract as overlapping melodies move across new harmonies and chord progressions, making it an intense and highly absorbing adventure. Schoenberg reflected on the monumental quartet in 1949, professing, “I combined all the achievements of my time (including my own).”
Experience big performances on a more intimate scale when musicians from the LA Phil perform chamber music in small ensembles. Come early and enjoy a complimentary glass of wine before the performance, starting at 6:30pm.
See other concerts in this seriesPrograms, artists, dates, prices, and availability subject to change. Ticket limits may apply. All sales are final.
Enhance Your Experience
Complimentary Wine Reception
Event starts at 6:30PM
Join us before the concert in BP Hall for a complimentary wine reception.