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Our New Year’s Resolutions

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A new year calls for a new beginning! To help us get started on the right foot, we asked some of our musicians to share their goals and words of wisdom for the new year. Check out their ideas and discover more ways to feel empowered through our mind, body, and soul wellness tips.

What is your musical resolution for the new year?

From left to right: David Cooper, Barry Gold, Lelie Resnick, Joanne Pearce Martin

David Cooper, horn, Los Angeles Philharmonic
"Do my long tones every day. They’re the basic building blocks of horn playing and breathing better. It teaches you control. They’re not fun, but they’re good for you—the vegetables of playing. "

Barry Gold, cello, Los Angeles Philharmonic 
"Staying in good shape. It’s all about stretching, warming up, and keeping your body healthy, because you can’t play well if you don’t feel well."

Lelie Resnick, oboe, Hollywood Bowl Orchestra
"Make better oboe and English horn reeds."

Joanne Pearce Martin, keyboards, Los Angeles Philharmonic 
"Every year, around January, I think, 'I’m going to stay ahead of everything that’s coming at me and make sure I get my music early enough,' because there’s always something that gets added or comes unexpectedly, and then it’s easy to get behind the eight ball. So, to keep in our top shape, we’ve got to stay ahead of the curve." 

What’s your advice for people wanting to learn an instrument in the new year or just trying to stick to their commitment for the year? 

From left to right: Taylor Eiffert, Michele Grego, Richard Elegino

Taylor Eiffert, bass clarinet/clarinet, Los Angeles Philharmonic
"Find a buddy to do it with you. I find that when you make goals, having someone else in the loop makes it a lot more likely that you’re going to stick with it."

Michele Grego, bassoon, Los Angeles Philharmonic 
"Pick an instrument you love and get a great teacher."

Richard Elegino, viola, Los Angeles Philharmonic
"If you have a dream, it’s up to you. It’s how you want to practice, how much you want to study, and if you want to put in the effort. Keep at it. As I tell my YOLA students, 'If I can do it, you can do it!'"

Incorporate the LA Phil into your New Year routine! 

For the mind: Discover something new at an LA Phil Insight event, Upbeat Live, Music 101 with Alan Chapman, or our online Watch & Listen collection of articles, podcasts, videos, listening guides, and more. 

For the body: Get your steps in! At Walt Disney Concert Hall you can climb from the street to the rooftop garden and explore the building’s hidden detours and winding paths—or try hiking the 168 stairs to the top of the Hollywood Bowl. 

For the soul: Fill your spirit with the joy of fellowship, philanthropy, and live music by supporting the next generation of musicians at a YOLA (Youth Orchestra Los Angeles) concert. 

For more ways to make your new year more musical, we’ve collected a list of resolutions to enliven your listening habits over the next rotation around the sun.